Kelly Worrall, Certified Marketing Manager & Trainer

Around The World: UK

Kelly Worrall celebrates Women in Trade Day (Worldwide) with her laptop.

WITD: Briefly tell us about your tool, how important it is. Why and when you use it?

Kelly: My laptop!

After being made redundant from my marketing role in 2018, I knew I had to make changes to my life moving forward. I decided to set up my own business and do marketing my way!

As well as building a new business, I also had a construction company to run and manage, staff to pay and invoices to send out, as well as the daily struggles of pregnancy.

WITD: How has it changed your life?

Kelly: My laptop allows me to do what I love from anywhere I want to. It allows me to manage two successful businesses, grow my clients’ businesses and read up on being a new mum in my spare time!

WITD: Briefly tell us why Women in Trade Day (Worldwide) on June 15th, 2022, is important to you?

Kelly: I am passionate about being involved in Women in Trade Day because firstly, I don’t feel like we have to be on the tools, to be known for doing something well, in the industry and secondly, being a mum, or a woman, doesn’t define my capabilities of running two successful businesses.

WITD: How will you be celebrating the day?

Kelly: By engaging all my female trades on social media to join in! I will be going live to talk to other women in trade and sharing some of my top tips for growing your trade business online.

WITD: How are you inspiring other women?

Kelly: By showing them just because you’re not on the tools, you can still be a successful woman in a trade!

My construction company made over £175k in its first year, and my marketing business has helped 100’s of trade and construction businesses take their business to the next level, through social media advertising.

2 years on, I have a thriving 3 year old, a half a million pound construction company, a 6-figure construction marketing agency and, I couldn’t be happier with the path life put me on, back in 2018.

Instagram @kellylworrall


Jo Comparetto, Painter and Decorator, UK


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